Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Linda from Miami

Today’s Bombshell, Linda from Miami, opened her e-mail to us by saying she was, “A Fashion Bombshell for any shape, color, or size.”

She continued, “My style is… fun and flattering. It varies with my mood or even depending on the music I’m listening to.”

“… I like to think I am not just a well dressed FAT girl.”

“…I was reading one of your previous Bombshell’s comments and someone said the one line I HATE: ‘She dresses nice for a fat girl.’ I would like to think my style can relate to any woman who simply wants to be cute, sexy, and classy.”

” Due to my job in law enforcement it is hard going from one end of a spectrum to another. I find any free time is fashion time.”

“For so long I was under the impression that fashion was not for the FAT. “

“…I just want my fashion to be an inspiration!”

” I grew up not being able to afford the finer things. There was no place for fashion in my home growing up, so I would look at Vogue magazines and dream.”

“…Fashion is my life, my love, and my passion.”

” i currently have a blog Let me know what you think of it.”

Cute looks and confidence for days. I love it, especially the animal print dress. Will be checking out your blog in two shakes!

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and your picture(s) to