So today, I’m going to introduce a new feature: Style Verdict.
While most stars hit the chic quotient out of the park, others, you’re not too sure. Instead of profiling them in a typical Style File, I’m leaving it up to you guys as to whether this celeb is Fashion Bomb material. You decide: Does this star have style? Or are they still a work in progress?
Today’s subject is Beyonce’s little sis…

Admittedly, it must be hard playing second fiddle to the force that is Beyonce, but perhaps Solange holds her own on the fashion front? Let’s take a look:
Knowles # 2 seems to favor flattering hour glass silhouettes comprised of dresses with seriously accentuated waists:
…and tops with short frilly skirts…
…worn with cute stilettos.
For red carpet events, performances, or nights on the town, she flaunts her form in freekum dresses…
..with more casual outings warranting head to toe black…
…with the neon accessories thrown in to great effect:

While she gets it right on some occasions, at times Solange leaves us scratching our heads:

So is Solange a certified style star? Or is she still creepin on a come up?