Welcome to the first mail bombs post of the New Year!
Believe it or not, people have been getting pretty agitated that Mail Bombs have been out of their lives for the past few weeks.
Christmas, Holidays, and Vacation, they say: Bahumbug! Bring me my Mail Bombs!
Thankfully, today, I’m finally back on the prowl…

…let’s see if I still got it!
First up, Melyssa from Toronto says “These boots are oh-so HOT!!!”
…”Who makes them??? And where can a Toronto fashionsta such as myself could cop a close match for a more reasonable price?”
Well, Melyssa. Your taste is oh-so expensive! Those hot studded beauties are none other than Christian Louboutin’s Donjon Over the Knee Boots…
..available at www.net-a-porter.com for $2,350! I think that’s how much my whole wardrobe costs!
Anyway, with that level of craftsmanship, it’s hard to find something similar, but I thought these Quai D’orsay Snap Flower Trim Boots gave off a similar effect…

Tiff Says, “I’m pretty tall and as a result I wear size 11 shoes. I can’t find a hot pair of leather boots in my size ANYWHERE! I’m sick of tall stores and their “trust me these are in ” now fashions. I’m desperate for a pair of flat knee high leather boots. can you recommend any sites I can try online? I’m in Toronto so online is usually my only option.“
I did a quick search and found the following flat styles, all available in size 11:

Next, Audrey says, “I NEED Rihanna’s bathing suit here!“

Rihanna’s bathing suit in Louis Vuitton, but you can cop her swimsuit game with the following high and low priced items:

Next, Tiffany says, “My favorite color is purple and I absolutely heart any shade hue or variation of it!”

Get in a purple haze with the following:

Next we have a mail bomb for the fellas! Shareta wants to dress her boo up like Bow Wow…

She says: “My BF is obsessed with Nautica and button up polo type shirts. I am trying to get him to be more stylish. He definitely has the body for this shirt I just don’t know where to find it. I know nothing about mens fashion. But I know this shirt is hot! Any help at finding this shirt or one like it will be greatly appreciated!!!“
Get his look with the following military inspired tops:

Reader Brian is also a Bow Wow fan, and wanted to get his leather hooded look…

Looks like I missed the deadline, but if you’re still looking, I felt this Nevada Jacket by Ever came close…

Next, we have our first Facebook query!
Reader Cheryl came upon a picture of a facebook beauty…

She says,”I was wondering if you could help me locate this dress. Pretty please! 🙂“
Well, the world is indeed small, because the woman in the picture is my friend Chinwe.
She revealed, “The dress is BCBG and I got it on eBay!”
Good luck!
Lastly, Arielle from the Islands says, “ I wanted to know if you would do a little feature on winter wear essentials. I’m from the Islands and I need help!!!”
Oh Arielle, I feel your pain. When I was coming up North from Atlanta, I believe I had one lonely poleyester blend sweater to my name! I didn’t know any better, so before I came up, I bought a North Face ski jacket, a fleece, and a face mask…the first time it snowed, I remember being bundled up to the hilt with mittens! I so wish I had a picture (I might dig it up)…
In the meantime, you’ll need a good coat in wool and down, a few wool or cashmere sweaters, wool socks, and winter accessories–a cute hat, scarf, gloves. And don’t forget your feet! Get a pair of leather boots as well as sleet proof snow boots. Want to do it in style? These should get you started:

Bottom Row: Jada Boot in Brown Leather, $170,CoutureCandy

*There were a bunch more Mail Bombs…I’ll get to them next week!

*This isn’t a political blog, but…

Don’t know why I’m excited? Read this.
*This is sad.