Happy Monday!
So the Bahamas was amazing! I picked up a cute little tan…and a bit of a cold (boo!). Ok, so I’m feeling under the weather, but still had to bring you some real style! My friend Stephanie challenged my view on high waisted items this weekend in the following simply chic outfit…

…I loved how she paired an everyday wife beater and gold flip flops with a torso cinching high waisted red gingham skirt. The skirt looks refined and sophisticated, and her hot accessories–long gold necklace, red clutch, and gold bangles–only added to the ensemble. This look convinced me that high waists are actually fly with skirts.
What do you think?
PS Love her skirt? It’s by none other than Seasoned to Perfection! Purchase by e-mailing s2pvintage@yahoo.com!
PSS I’m down, but not out! Stay tuned this week for Style Files, Trend posts, and (hopefully) double the mail bombs!