Claire's Life On the Scene at Black, White, and Red Themed Screening of Disney’s Cruella Hosted by Claire Sulmers: Exclusive Guest List Including Ty Hunter, Rae Holiday, Mickey Freeman, Romeo Hunte + More
Claire's Life Claire Sulmers Hosts Rich Bich Clinic Spring Beauty Brunch With Rae Holiday and Jenny Nemeth
Claire's Life Fashion Bomb Hair: Claire Sulmers Dons Indique Virgin Hair Extensions’s Sea Body Lace Front Wig for Secret Society Movie Premiere and Pajama-Themed Bash in Atlanta
Atlanta On the Scene at the Pajama-Themed Premiere of ‘Secret Society’ Movie in Atlanta Hosted by Claire Sulmers: Moments With the Film’s Executive Producer Miasha Coleman and Stars ‘Prison Bae’ Jeremy Meeks, Erica Pinkett, Reyna Love + More
Beauty Shop Indique Hair Extentions and Save 15% on Bomb Virgin Hair Products Such as ‘Bounce Natural Roots’ Bundles Worn By Fashion Bomb Daily’s EIC Claire Sulmers