Strength of a Woman Fest 2023: “What Does Fashion Bomb Daily Mean to You?”: Interviews with Miss Lawrence, Lola Brooke, and More with Sheek TV

On behalf of Fashion Bomb Daily we had one of our correspondents Marissa Sneed on the scene at the Strength of a Woman festival in Atlanta and she was able to catch up with a few of our biggest supporters in the industry.

When Sneed asked the question, “What does Fashion Bomb Daily mean to you?” it unleashed a series of answers that blew us away. The fabulous Miss Lawrence expressed,

“When Claire Sulmers came along, and she created Fashion Bomb daily, it turned a new leaf and it opened a portal to show us how much we actually influence fashion in popular culture,” said Miss Lawrence.


We also had some of our fans and influencers shed light on how Fashion Bomb Daily has changed their perspective of the fashion industry for the better. One influencer explained how,

“Fashion Bomb daily is a place where people can come and be who they are, be authentically fashion-forward,” while another attendee at the Strength of a Woman Fest expressed, “It’s not just Fashion Bomb Daily, it’s the woman behind it.” Check out the second video below.


Let us know what Fashion Bomb daily personally means to you! XOXO