You might have heard the news: @FashionBombDaily @FashionBombMen @FashionBombKids and @FashionBombAfrica are back!
After almost 9 months of being offline and out of sorts, we were blessed with a wonderful Christmas miracle! To celebrate our new beginning, we thought it only fitting to highlight an exclusive maternity shoot we did with Remy Ma, merely a few weeks before she gave birth to her very own Christmas bundle of joy: a beautiful baby girl.
We at Fashion Bomb Daily love Remy Ma because she is a survivor. No matter what she’s been through in life, she has managed to make the best out it and come out on top.
Stylist Daniel Hawkins placed Remy Ma in pieces by Discount Universe, Shop Diamant Noir, A Small Token, Alejandro Collection, Christian Louboutin, and more. He said, “She wanted to show how to be a fashionable pregnant woman and to be a little different from every other maternity shoot. We [aimed] to show that you can be fabulous, and you can be amazing as a pregnant woman.”
He added, “I definitely wanted to capitalize on the snakeskin/animal print trend that is going on right now. A lot of times with a pregnant woman, you can be afraid of doing these things, but it’s ok if it’s done right.”

Theo Barrett and Yeika Glow worked magic on Remy’s myriad hair and makeup looks, while photographer Island Boi captured her glow.
Remy said, “Just because you’re pregnant, you don’t have to look pregnant. You don’t have to shop at maternity stores, you don’t have to wear empire waists or mumus. At first I was getting a lot of flack like, ‘Oh she’s hiding the baby.’ If I were hiding it, I would have never told y’all nosy asses (laughs). You’re in a state of your life where your body is changing every day. You may not feel or think that you look your best. So putting on clothes that don’t flatter you definitely won’t help. I wanted to people to see that I’m literally due in 17 days, and you can still be cute, have fun, and look popping.”
And what does she love about Fashion Bomb Daily? “[Fashion Bomb Daily] covers high fashion and [also covers] people who are just out and about. That’s what people need to see. When people think of fashion, they only think of designer, name brand, and high fashion. That’s not just fashion. Even when it’s not something that cost thousands of dollars, you guys put it up, and I think a lot of people respect it.”
Thanks, Remy!
What do you think of the shoot?
Congrats and many blessings to her, Papoose, and the whole Mackie Family!
@RemyMa Styled by @1800dhawk with hair & makeup by @yeikaglow & @tb_hairstylist and shots by @islandboiphotography !
Snake skin look-
Jacket: @harryhalim_paris
Pants: @ShopDiamantNoir
Clutch: @ASmallToken
Shoes: @dsquared2
Pink dress-
Dress: @alejandrocollection
Shoes: @LouboutinWorld
Green Hoodie look-
Skirt: @discountuniverse
Shoes: @louboutinworld
Orange Tiger look-
Top and bottom: @discountuniverse
Shoes: @louboutinworld
Houndstooth look-
Dress: @hanaquist
Shoes: @iamjenniferle