Claire’s Life: Pynk Magazine’s The Perfect Match Power Dinner Honoring Cassie Ventura

Pynk Magazine's The Perfect Match Power Dinner Honoring Cassie Ventura claire sulmers fashion bomb daily
000 Pynk Magazine's The Perfect Match Power Dinner Honoring Cassie Ventura
9 Pynk Magazine's The Perfect Match Power Dinner Honoring Cassie Ventura
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Last night, Pynk Magazine graciously invited me to the Pynk Suite to celebrate Cassie Ventura’s role in The Perfect Match (in theaters today!).

Guests were treated to a delicious three course dinner, topped off by Ciroc beverages.
Cassie went for edgy in a button down, trousers, and Givenchy flip flops. Hairstylist @TigerBahmb whipped up a braided hairstyle that she dubbed A$AP Cassie.

As for me, I opted for a vintage Jean Paul Gaultier Eiffel Tower printed top, a Muehleder skirt, and Prada sandals.

What do you think?
At any rate, the movie is in theaters today! I attended a screening and it is a cute romantic comedy. It’s definitely worth checking out!

Will you be making a date to see The Perfect Match tonight?

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Image: Karl Pierre