Bomb Product of the Day: Moschino’s Black and Red “SHOP” Stop Sign Shoulder Bag

Moschino's Black and Red SHOP Stop Sign Shoulder Bag
2 Moschino's Black and Red SHOP Stop Sign Shoulder Bag
moschino stop shop bag
moschino stop shop bag fashion bomb daily
Moschino's Black and Red SHOP Stop Sign Shoulder Bag

Moschino always provides fun, tongue in cheek accessories. I couldn’t help but chuckle at their ‘Shop’ handbag, modeled after a red stop sign.

The piece has a covered chain strap and a two zip closure.

Wear it with sweater dress and thigh high boots; provide a cool contrast with a bright yellow coat.

All black is always chic.

For a bag that subliminally asked you to stop shopping, the $995 price tag is quite a splurge!
If price is not an option, splurge here, here, or here.