So the weather has decidedly dipped south, but it’s still not time to totally shelve all of your summer dresses and t-shirts.
The answer: an eye catching tailored blazer, short enough to flatter a dress, and chic enough to dress up a t-shirt and jeans:
With these economic times, there’s no need to spend a ton! Peep these 9 of-the-moment options under $200:
1. Rails Zoe Fleece Jacket, $84. 2. Anthropologie Dressage Jacket, $128. 3. Mike & Chris Dean 3/4 Sleeve Captain Jacket, $127. 4. Priorities Ann-Ponte Blazer in Navy, $170.5. J.Crew Velvet Ecole Jacket, $168. 6. Nelson Double Zipper Sheen Jacket in Grey, $130. 7. 0815LovesPeace Prefect Blazer, $60.8. Domino Jacquard Cropped Jacket, $60. 9. Mango El Gabi Jacket, $99.