Fashion Bomber of the Week: Vote for your Favorite Bomber

Happy Friday!

It’s time to cast in your vote for your favorite Fashion Bomber of the Week! Each sharp fella carried their own swag but who would you crown as the winner?

Remember Josiah aka @logikriver? His style was a vibe! He obtained 673 likes on our Instagram feed.

The urban yet classy Bomber @mr.jhines was a looker for sure. His style switch up is unmatched. He gained 1,133 likes.

The dapper @donjay_chirha knows how to rock a suit! He earned 598 likes on our Instagram account.

The eclectic, swanky Bomber Casamera (@casamera1) sure knows how to show up and show out in a unique look. He received 1,719 likes on our Instagram.

What do you think?

Who do you think was your favorite Bomber for this Week? free polls

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-10 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures of 5-10 different outfits (no collages) to Images submitted will be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of our social media platforms. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! Please be advised: once published, pictures will not be removed or taken down.