Designer You Should Know: Saudia Islam of JBD Knit Apparel on How To Get Kim Kardashian To Wear Your Brand + Shop the Look at Fashion Bomb Daily Shop

All this month, we are featuring bomb designers you should know from!

Today’s feature goes to Philadelphia designer Saudia Islam of JBD Apparel, a luxury knitwear brand that is taking a creative, modern approach to a traditional concept. Islam adds, “We are black owned and proud of it as well!”

We first learned about JBD Apparel when Kim Kardashian sashayed down our timeline in the brand’s bomb crop top and matching skirt. When asked about how JBD Apparel got on one of the world’s biggest influencers, Islam shared, “Kim actually placed an order! Someone from the Yeezy team reached out to me to place a custom order on Kim’s behalf. I was so shocked. They said that they came across my page on Instagram, so social media can truly be a blessing! “

Yes it can! Islam actually got her start in fashion under the tutelage of her mother, Renee Hill of Harx 4, whom some of you might recognize from the most recent Season of Project Runway.

Islam says, “ My mother has been in the fashion industry since before I was born. I have always found it helpful to go to her for advice when it comes to partnerships, contracts or releasing a collection because she’s so knowledgeable and has my best interest at heart. “

She adds, “I did not always know I wanted to work in fashion. Up until the start of JBD Apparel, previously known as Jolie by Dia, I did not know I wanted to be in fashion at all! I decided that fashion was the career for me because I realized that I enjoyed working on my brand. I enjoyed taking time off from my 9-5 to get stuff done for my business. It excites me. It’s something that I look forward to accomplishing on a daily basis!”

Her advice to designers? “One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned so far is that you will not be able to please everyone. Do not compromise on your prices, the cost of your labor or your creative expression in order to please someone. I always say, “If it’s not one customer, it’s the next!”. Meaning, if the one person is not interested in buying or you didn’t make that one sale that you were hoping for, there’s always gonna be someone else or the next sale to look forward to! You are worth being compensated for your time, your skill, your abilities and your creativity. Do not compromise, period.”

She adds, “Really take advantage of social media. Social media is EVERYWHERE and there are so many resources that are available to small businesses. So many I did not know of before. So look into it for sure! “

In closing, she writes, “Working with Fashion Bomb Daily has been a HUGE blessing for me because it is such a great platform for someone like myself who is the owner of a small business and is also a black woman. It feels good to be recognized on such an official level. It has already taken my business to a new height, as well as introduced my brand to many other black clients which is something that I am extremely welcoming of and thankful for.” We’re happy to do it!

Shop pieces by JBD Apparel on

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