Happy Monday!
So it’s sad but true: 2007 is coming to a close.

Photographed fashionistas in the Tents of Bryant Park for Fashion Week…
Stopped everyone from Japanese tourists in midtown….
…to jumper wearing hipsters in the streets of Williamsburg…
…and even documented the young beautiful set enjoying Prospect Park BBQ’s…
…and white themed 4th of July parties…
It’s been fun!

*Really want to reminisce? Check out my Real Style File, and see pix from the beginning!
*The Fashion Bomb is now blogging for the cool website GakCity. Check me out at www.gakcity.com!
*I really like Alicia Keys’ look in this picture…
Get something similar for a steal by pairing the following:
Left to Right:Nylon Taffeta Wind Breaker, $42, www.americanapparel.net; City Style Tank, $19, www.nyandcompany.com; Cheap Monday Ewing Black Jeans, $65, www.ronherman.com.