When Does It End? Alexander McQueen Store Named in Another Racial Discrimination Lawsuit

Merely one day after their announcement of moving their Fall 2016 show from Paris to London in February, the Alexander McQueen franchise will soon be speaking again; this time, on another racial discrimination suit.

The complaint suggests that the high-end luxury designer has engaged in systematic racism against African-American employees. Allegedly, their hiring system immediately rejects African-American job applicants where they might be seen by customers or in managerial positions where they have authority over white employees.

However, Christopher Policard and Duane Davis are taking a stand. The two along with Eisenberg & Baum legal service are summoning Kering Americas Inc., Alexander McQueen Trading and Ltd., along with four managers or supervisors for the racial discrimination lawsuit; which among other things in the report, states the only time the two African-American men are seen is when they are searched in front of other employees and customers on the floor during business hours for theft. White employees, on the other hand, are screened for theft after closing hours and in private.

AlexanderMcQueenRacism02While the sourcing of the complaint could not be verified online, we did give a call to New York’s Eisenberg & Baum, where Attorney Eric Baum did verify the case and was able to provide commentary on the matter released in his statement. “It is disturbing that in 2015 that this type of open discrimination continues to happen at the highest levels of the fashion community. Since 2013, the Alexander McQueen and Kering organizations have been on notice of racial discrimination claims but apparently have done very little if anything to fix the problem.”

AlexanderMcQueenRacism03It’s sad to say, but complaints in regard to racial discrimination are not new when it comes to the fashion community. Back in 2013, the luxury brand was served with two complaints on discrimination, ethnic slurs, and belittlement of character. One person even commented the treatment from his various bosses made him so distraught, he wanted to hang himself.

What do these continuing allegations say about our fashion industry and the exclusivity against people of color?  “We see racial discrimination in all different industries,” Baum commented,” and what’s sad is it is blatant racism; it’s not the first time the company has been accused of this [in reference to previous cases back in 2013]. They’ve done little to remedy the situation to create an environment for everyone to enjoy.”

While we may not be able to stop racial discrimination, it is nice to see businesses putting their foot down and voicing the mistreatment of clients and employees in all capacities. We will not be apologetic in voicing the concerns of people, and exposing the blaring light on companies that exclusively target people of color. In the words of Baum, “This lawsuit[…] sends a message to the Defendants and the entire retail industry that no level of discrimination will be tolerated by the African-American Community.”

Images: Alexander McQueen