So Fashion Bombshell of the Day has gone through many highs and lows. We’ve turned off comments, introduced a voting system, asked participants to opt in or out of comments, and requested readers to be nice and respectful.
Still, it seems every time we showcase someone whose definition of chic might not meld with the mainstream or veers more hmm than hot, we get more than a handful of hurtful comments.
The result? Bruised feelings and readers hesitant to submit for fear they will be torn down by an exacting fashion jury.
Fashion Bombshell of the Day was always intended to be celebratory, a show-and-tell of multicultural chic from across the globe. Most of the time it is; but sometimes it devolves into something the site doesn’t stand for.

The goal of the Fashion Bomb is to uplift and showcase fashionistas of color in a positive, beautiful light. Bombshell of the Day comments can be very negative; thus tarnishing the spirit upon which this site was founded.
I enjoy Bombshells as much as you do, but will have to take responsibility and curate submissions more thoroughly. We’ll most likely continue with the feature, but relegate it to a weekly an every other day or weekly, not daily basis. Comments are on, as is voting. But I will ensure that Bombshells showcased are only the best and most fierce representations of the Fashion Bomb brand and Fashion Bomb reader.
I enjoy doing this, and want this to be a nurturing, positive, and encouraging corner in cyberspace! Hope you do too…