
Today I wanted to officially welcome beauty correspondent Eileen to our team!!

Eileen Fashion Bomb Beauty

You may have noticed her posts on Tuesdays, where she gives us the bomb beauty advice.

In addition to fashion, we strive to give you the best in style and beauty–thankfully Eileen is a certified makeup maven. Take a look at her makeup bag!

Eileen Makeup Bag

She says, “My love affair with beauty first started while interning at Bloomingdales as a junior at Syracuse University.  I just could NOT resist all the makeup counters!  I see beauty and cosmetics as something fun–it’s my current obsession.

Pretty soon we’ll have Eileen all set up with a Fashion Bomb e-mail account so you can shoot her any beauty questions you may have. Until then, leave a comment…

And let’s welcome Eileen!

9 thoughts on “Introducing Beauty Correspondent Eileen!”

  1. Welcome to the family Eileen, … love to hear how to’s on applying all the pretty makeup. I’m a fan of makeup also but you would not know it because I don’t wear much, but I’d love to hear how to get glam for a night out..

  2. I too have been having a love affair with makeup for quite sometime, Welcome to the family Eileen….

  3. Oh boy! Fashion and beauty all on one site…Swoon, I’m like a big in mud. Welcome Eileen ;)

  4. Welcome Eileen!!! Good luck and best wishes to you. I used to work at bloomies too and let me tell ya i was a cosmetic counter junkie!! LOL :-)

  5. Welcome, Eileen, show us what u got. LOL! I love make-up even though I hardly wear it. I think ur supposed to wear it when the mood suits you. Too much can wear out ur face and people will appreciate it more when you wear it and it looks gorgeous!

  6. Hey Eileen. Can’t wait to read your blog. Shoes, shoes, shoes… lets see some more hot shoes hot off the press.

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