Tiny's Birthday Party Atlanta

Tiny and friends on their way to her Atlanta Birthday Party

Snapshot is a daily section featuring fashionable, memorable moments. No words, just an image. Enjoy..and discuss!

Source & Prince Wiliams/ATLpics.net

10 thoughts on “Snapshot : Tiny’s Atlanta Birthday Party”

  1. Ymm..yeah, they all look like they are on there way to work at the strip club. Or a corner…

  2. HOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Not that I am rich by any means but if I was I would stop buying party clothes from forever 21 and Rainbow… I feel like they need a stylist STAT. Claire, arent you from Atlanta? Please do them and us a favor and hook them up…

  4. They’re an embarrassment to the A. Thank goodness there are still some of us here that can still dress like ladies…smh

  5. WOW! I am sad to say that I am NOT impressed at all by any of these women.

    I mean they are gorgeous women, but their outfits are just mediocre. They don’t necessarily look “bad”, but they don’t look great either. I think they could have stepped it up.


    a) they were goin to Cascade and didn’t want to mess up their good outfits,

    b) they were going to some fast food joint to eat, and not directly to the party

    or c) they were goin to the movies, where it would be dark and no one would see their outfits anyway.

    Those are the only excuses I will accept, other than death and/or injury.

    Love the A, but this is mos def not reppin the city by any means. It’s all good. Maybe next time. :)

  6. This is a no no and my mother taught me that if I don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all so there..but I’m dying to say something about this chic….

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