Facial hair was once problematic.  Both men and women with too much facial hair had no real options in previous decades besides shaving and/or tweezing.  Which of course, had to be done almost daily depending upon the amount of facial hair removal.  There are now several methods to effectively and sometimes permanently remove facial hair.  Tweezing and shaving are still done routinely by individuals, but now depilatory creams and lotions exist, as well as epilation, which grabs several hairs at once and removes them by the root.  Now individuals have the option to remain hair-free for weeks. Epilation can be done almost anywhere on the body and can be done at home by an individual. It simply requires the purchase of a good epilator. Skill is required especially for facial hair removal.  

Waxing also is still very common as a salon procedure and as an at home way of removing hair.  However, waxing at home can be difficult and even in a salon sometimes painful as hot wax is applied and then when the wax dries, it needs to be pulled off quickly thereby “ripping” the hair out by the root from the body part.  With waxing, different body parts can be more sensitive, and caution should be used if attempting this as a personal project. Again, it lasts longer than shaving or plucking, but is not permanent either.  Both waxing and epilation last approximately four weeks. Each has requirements, with individuals being advised to let the hair grow out a bit first to more effectively be grabbed by the waxing or epilation.  It’s also advised to avoid any type of dermabrasion materials and to allow the skin to be unbroken and intact before using either method. Waxing especially should be used with caution and a skin sensitivity test on a small portion may also be a good idea initially with either method.  

Another method of facial hair removal is called “sugaring”.  This process originated in the Middle East initially and is less painful than waxing and can be quicker than epilation.  Sugaring uses a sweet sticky substance, water, and usually lemon juice and is applied much like waxing. Unlike waxing, though, it only pulls the hair out, and does not disturb the skin cells, therefore leading to a lot less discomfort.  It’s also all natural and biodegradable and can be used anywhere on the body, from eyebrows on down. It’s a favorite for many consumers that are seeking facial hair removal as the redness and soreness indicative of other methods is non-existent.  Sugaring can be done also in a salon or at home and as stated before is around for centuries as a good way to achieve facial hair removal. Sugaring also has been known to last longer sometimes, up to five weeks in some users. Like waxing and epilation, hair must be grown out a bit and like the other two methods, the sticky paste is also pulled off in the direction of the hair growth, effectively removing the root too.  

All the methods of facial hair removal should be postponed if certain drugs are being used, if there are open sores or wounds, if any underlying medical conditions exist, or if cold sores are present.  Anything that can lead to negative results should be avoided, and any infections should be prevented if precautions are taken.  

Laser facial hair removal is now becoming popular and individuals are doing this at home also.  However, this is a bit trickier and a few sessions are generally needed with an interim of two weeks between sessions.  A laser targets the hair to be removed and pulsates down into the root, effectively killing the root. Hair may grow back after six months or even in some cases not at all, but this method is best done in a salon to eliminate redness and swelling.  Threading is another methodology which involves wrapping a thread around facial hair for removal and then pulling it out by the root. Hair can stay dormant for about eight weeks with this method. Topical creams do exist too but can cause excessive redness and swelling and are usually prescription.  All these methods do work but laser facial hair removal and sugaring can provide longer lasting results with less skin irritation and sensitivity.  

Last but not leastelectrolysis is a great method of facial hair removal but like laser hair removal should be done in a salon.  Both these methods have increased in popularity in recent years, but electrolysis does not use a laser but a radio wave to kill the hair root.  Since they both can cause redness and swelling and need a good consultation first, a salon is a good bet for any consumer considering either of these.  Results can be dramatic and long-lasting with these methods, but skill is imperative to prevent negative adverse reactions and consequences. Permanent facial hair removal methods are very much still an individualized choice.