So lots is going on at Fashion Bomb HQ!
And while I roll up my sleeves for a bit of painting, I have to take a pause to bring you our Bomber of the Day, Mark-Paul from Chicago:
2 Mark-Paul from Chicago
He types, “ I’m a 22 year old native Chicagoan.”
3 Mark-Paul from Chicago
” I’m an avid follower of your blog & would love to be featured as the Fashion Bomber of The Day.”

Mark-Paul from Chicago
” My personal style is very flexible. I’m a huge fan of gender bending (these pics below are fairly safe lol), & 95% of my wardrobe is thrifted – whether it be from Goodwill or Salvation Army.”

5 Mark-Paul from Chicago

“You can see more of my efforts in my newly curated Instagram Acct, @RareCandor as well as my personal account @TheRealMarkPaul.”

4 Mark-Paul from Chicago
Alright! Keep it cute and colorful!
See more on IG @RareCandor and @TheRealMarkPaul.

Fashion Bomber of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of male Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-8 picture(s) to th************@gm***.com. PLEASE: no collages. No filters. Images submitted may be featured on Facebook or Twitter. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game!

Posted in: Uncategorized

22 thoughts on “Fashion Bomber of the Day: Mark-Paul from Chicago”

  1. These bottoms, no pun, are killing me. Just because you thrift, doesn’t mean forgoing tailoring and seeking proper fit.

    I like the loafers.

  2. For some reason I’m not bothered by this…this is probably my max for males that gender-bend. I’m happy he’s not wearing skirts.

  3. Very androgynous…I’m sensing a theme to the Bombers as of late – not here for it. #sorrynotsorry

  4. reminds me a lot of when I first started thrifting in undergrad. He has a lot of potential and I think that his style will definitely improve with time. I voted not quite bomber,but his style suits him.

  5. I agree with coco. He has potential. I am not a fan of when ppl wear the same style of looks all the time. those peewee herman pans with every outfit, NO. I would love to see him in two years or so and see how he has grown.

  6. The best thing about this submission is that it spells a great style in the future. He, unlike manner other fashion bomber submissions, is NOT gender bending. He is wearing mens clothing but not with a contemporary style. He looks very 20s and 30s. I like his style and cant wait till it comes to fruition.

  7. YES MARK! this is fashion, this sytle! it not meant to be pleasing to everyone real style is bold, its different and it doesn’t comfort the masses. keep doing your thing! and all of you who have mean things to say, May God be with you.

  8. socks please and those pants are so ill fitting i cant ! the hats wear drunk in love but he has potential

  9. I like it most of you people who are saying this is to much you guys are just boring with style this is nothing compare to other people who go overboard, his style is his own

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